LordswoodBoys Student 
'Where our artists begin as amateurs and end as professionals'
In year 7 art we believe that we have the right to express our individual feelings towards the topics and try our absolute best. Some of us may chose to continue with our art work in GCSE'S and some of us may decline this however what ever choice is made we should all try hard in art as we do in all our other subjects.
​  Welcome To My Student Art Website
​​​Year 7 have done many projects and lessons of art and this website will show you some of the experiences that they have either completed or at least participated in.  Please look at what we have done and stay updated for new projects to be added soon.
Art in year 7 is just the start of our art work at lordswood boys so that's why we make the most of it. We may get short lessons but however we put effort into that time limit and achieve what we can. Over the terms we have done many different projects such as Stephen Wiltshire, Joseph Turner and much more. This website will express my feelings towards those certain topics and how I felt while doing them. I hope you enjoy reading.